Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Member Testimonials

Member satisfaction is our number one priority!! The testimonials below are entirely unedited comments from registered Horse Show Patterns.com members. In no way are the comments fabricated or altered (all comments are direct quotes).

Horse Show Patterns.com was developed by horse show judges for horse show judges, competitors and show managers and the future direction of the site will be a result of our member’s honest, direct feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to send your comments, kudos and / or input!!!

If you would like to share your Horse Show Patterns.com experience, please send your comments to mystory@horseshowpatterns.com.  We would love to hear from you and should we use your comment on the site, you may receive a free gift from Horse Show Patterns.com!!

The testimonials below are arranged in reverse chronological order (i.e. the most recently received comment first).

December, 2013

Kelley Stone"As a horse show judge and a professional, I can not think of a stronger or more useful tool in my arsenal to help prepare for all levels of shows that I judge then horseshowpatterns.com. I exclusively use this site to prepare all of my patterns for shows. It is easy to use, smart, innovative and completely necessary for my preparation process.

Thank you horseshowpatterns for getting it so right!!!"

Kelley Stone - TX

May, 2013

Kimberly Worthington"Everyone is LOVING all the HSP Patterns. Many of the people know the patterns, and have run them 100 times. I print off the smaller Judges Patterns, and cut them up, and hand them out to the kids when they sign up for their classes. They can take the patterns back to the trailer with them. We are getting great Review's on the Patterns from the First Time Horse Show Parents & Kids. They can also take the smaller patterns home with them to practice.

KUDOS for making show's a Great Learning Experience..."

Kimberly Worthington - Michigan

March, 2011

Jennifer Moshier"Without HorseShowPatterns.com, the 60+ shows that I judge annually would be impossible. As an industry professional, I would never go back to using hand written patterns of the old days and an entire file cabinet of old patterns in my office! I rely on the quality, professional format that HSP patterns provides as well as the ease of emailing them to horse shows and clients additionally. As a trainer with operations in Ohio and Florida, the ability to refine my clients skills while I am away is a great tool! I was excited to be included in a new project in 2011 bringing Non Trotting or Easy Gaited patterns to the HSP line up. By providing this division of patterns, judges will have available the same level of quality in their patterns for showmanship, equitation, western horsemanship and trail as the other divisions already see. This is a big step forward for the 4H shows offering these classes as well as open and breed level competition. Keep up the great work!"

Thank you so much for this site, it is truly an asset to our industry."

Jennifer Moshier
    7 National Breed Cards, Approved Judge 8 States 4H and Ohio State 4H Judges Committee Member
    Delaware, OH and Silver Springs, FL

December, 2010

Ron Strefling from Michigan became a member of HorseShowJudges.com on November 27th and has won the random drawing for the free iPad. Ron is also a valued member of HorseShowPatterns.com.

Ron Strefling

"Thank you for creating HorseShowJudges.com - this connection has been instrumental in my getting shows to judge."

Ron Strefling

August, 2010

From a satisfied customer:
“A show secretary called Tuesday night at 8 pm asking me for patterns for a Friday, Saturday, Sunday show. She wanted the patterns that night. When the show secretary was impressed she received the patterns within hours of her request and repeatedly thanked me, I had to tell her:

"Thank you but of course I can't take the credit. The patterns are from HorseShowPatterns.com which is the only reason I could put them together so quickly. Thank goodness for HorseShowPatterns.com!!!"”

May, 2010

Kristina Hedrick Wilson"I am frequently contracted for Multi Judge shows. When there are multiple Judges your site makes it so convenient for all the Judges to view the patterns and agree upon the appropriate degree of difficulty for the classes prior to the show date enabling one clear, concise set of patterns being sent to the show committee that represent all the Judges.

Thank you so much for this site, it is truly an asset to our industry."

Kristina Hedrick Wilson - Purcell, OK
    AQHA Professional Horseman & AQHA Ambassador
    Licensed Horse Show Judge USEF, AMHA, POA, NASMA, NMDA, GHRA, GVHS

April, 2010

“Wow, thanks for the prompt service and attention to my needs! Your customer service is the best I've ever seen! We love the patterns and will continue to always use HorseShowPatterns.com! Best wishes on the upcoming year.”

Jennifer Cruise
JRC Enterprises
Arab, AL
Riding Instructor and Horse Show Coordinator

September, 2009

Gary Goll

"I have just discovered that I was a winner in the drawing for the GPS following my purchase of the Horse Show Judging videos. I had been looking for some videos to watch and review as I prepare to do my apprentice judging. I do enjoy being able to watch and practice score for myself and then be able to listen to what others look for and have to say. I can then go back and review what the others were looking at to increase my knowledge. I am able to look at where penalties take place and better see where I need to be adding or subtracting from performances. I am very thankful that Horse Show Patterns developed these videos. Thanks."

Jodi Gibson
Porterville, CA

July, 2009

“I am very impressed with HorseShowPattern Judging Part I and have just ordered Part II. I have used and reviewed the first DVD several times. I am a certified judge and the DVD has helped me in preparing for my judging events. Your staff members have created a good thing.”

Mike Jones
Syracuse, Utah

February, 2009

"I Love theses patterns! I use HSP with my regestered Paint/Pinto to help us prepare for our shows. Horse Show Patterns AustraliaMany of my Judges I have noticed used HSP and I usually just kept them and used theirs, but now that I got my membership I can pick what patterns i want to practice and what level of difficlty. Its very nice to be able to print off my patterns and put four on one page. They are so easy to read and I encourage both trainers and students to use these patterns! It works very well and I'm so glad I found this site! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Stephanie - Michigan

January, 2009

Gary Goll upgraded his membership to PLUS on December 31st and has won a $250 Gift Certificate to Greeley Hat Works!!  Goll has been a valued member of HorseShowPatterns.com since 2006 and we are happy to award him with this great prize.

Gary Goll

"I am thrilled to find out I have won this very nice prize!HorseShowPatterns.com brings to a judge ease of use for the website, quick response time for any inquiries, a variety and choice of maneuvers, and overall package and appeal for the exhibitor. And to win this prize as well starts my 2009 out very well."

Gary Goll

November, 2008

"You people are GREAT! Your customer satisfaction level is through the top. Any time I have suggested a function that would make things easier for me as a judge (i.e., the saddle seat patterns, this title change for English) you have been right on it. If all companies put forth even a part of what HorseShowPatterns.com does for their customers, this would be a world of happy and content consumers. Keep up the good work. "

    carded with POAC, MI, IN, IL, IA, NC, NY and PA.

November, 2008

"Recently I was hired to judge an IHSA show. When we went into the coaches' representative meeting, there were many different opinions of what the patterns should or should not include since the University owned horses had skills which varied widely. Lucky for me the room contained a computer with web access. So I guess you know what I did! I jumped on line and let the coaches select patterns more fitting with the ability of the horses. The coaches were very interested in the HSP web site. Because of the user friendly environment, we quickly captured those patterns and printed them out for posting. What a great parachute this was for me! The patterns were professional in appearance. Additionally, the patterns meet the needs of a great group of young people competing on horses they had never ridden before that weekend. As you know I am a huge fan of this web site!"

Cindy Chilton Moore

February, 2008

January, 2008

Liz_Barnard - Washington

"When I signed up for a Plus membership with the contest going on, I thought how cool would it be if I won. At the same time I thought, there is no way I will win. I am so excited to have won the registration to the APHA Judges Academy! Thanks!"

Liz Barnard - Washington

July, 2007

Joni Ebel - Nebraska"Thank you for such wonderful patterns, the wonderful job you do and the services you provide for judges!!!"

Joni Ebel - Nebraska
    4-H Horse Judge

December, 2006

Horse Show Patterns Australia

"Thank you so much. I received the Ipod from your drawing. I still can't believe it! How cool was that? Anyway, I'm just now getting ready to pick out some patterns for the Gold Coast starting in two days in Florida. It will be fun to pick from such a wide selection.

Thanks again."

Pam Scott - Florida

October, 2006

Horse Show Patterns Australia"HorseShowPatterns.com is such a great site. The patterns are just great.

Thank you."

Rhonda McCallum - Australia

September, 2006

Terri Rakosky"At a recent show I was judging in Washington State, the committee had assigned the patterns to another judge whose flight was delayed. Wanting to get the patterns posted the night before, HSP.com was able to save the day! I was able to provide professional, challenging patterns in minutes just by using the motel's computer. All my show committees have been impressed, especially when I can select, personalize, and email the patterns on-demand in minutes! I also use the service to aid in instructing my students and 4-H judging team members.

I will definitely be upgrading to a "PLUS" membership for next season!"

Terri Rakosky - Tobaccoville, NC
    ApHC, NSBA, IBHA Judge
    ApHC Judge's Advisory Committee Member

September, 2006

"Thank you so much for your website. It has cut my prep time for shows in half. I am able to e-mail professional looking patterns without have to create them myself on the computer. The show managers appreciate getting the patterns before the shows and making up pattern books for the exhibitors"

Thanks again,"

Amy Decker
    Horse Show Judge

August, 2006

Daren Wright"This service has been like a gift from Heaven. I judge many, many horse shows per year and the ease, professional appearance and easy access has been a tremendous help! Being able to email them in advance is wonderful. Exhibitors and show managers alike love the concise patterns. I recommend this site to all my judging colleagues. I use to spend hours putting patterns together. Now in a matter of minutes I have specialized, quality patterns. Thanks for this great site!"

Daren Wright
ABRA National Board of Directors

August, 2006

Kathryn Kope"Dear Horse Show Patterns,

I used HSP to help me prepare my students for this years World Shows. Our last week of training before travel includes pattern work. It is so helpful to be able to show students different patterns each day and have them be able to learn them so quickly. After all, that is what it takes on the road. This site has been a great tool for me this year.

Thank You!"

Kathryn A. "Kit" Kope
    PS Dave, I am wearing the HSP shirt in the picture!!!!!!!

August, 2006

"This is a wonderful service. We do pattern books for our exhibitors and these patterns make our book look so professional and they are easy to read. I encourage all Judges to use this service."

Barbara Fisher
    Show Manager/Secretary AQHA Shows

May, 2006

Dennis Clement "HorseShowPatterns.com has cut my time in 1/2 preparing for my shows. I will recommend this service to all judges for quality patterns"

Dennis Clement
    4-H Ohio, Michigan and Indiana Judge

May, 2006

Kathy Callahan-Smith "I have used Horseshowpatterns.com for a couple of years now. I believe concise and easy to read patterns make a real difference to exhibitors. As a judge, I really enjoy creating my own patterns. Your new feature allows me to provide professionally looking patterns that are specificto the show I am judging."

Kathy Callahan-Smith
    2006 AHA National Show Judge
    USEF, AHA approved judge

April, 2006

Dale Barnett "I just used your patterns in Australia and they loved the patterns and the professionalism presented. I love being able to e-mail these patterns in advance to the shows that request them in advance – the show managers greatly appreciate it and this is less paper I have to lug with me in my brief case through the airports… The exhibitors greatly appreciate having not only professional patterns at appropriate levels for their respective classes, but they appreciate them being clearly and concisely drawn and stated. The days of throwing patterns together (that are often poorly drawn and not ideally legible) moments before the show begins should be long behind us all… As a show manager, also, we should not settle for anything less that what HorseShowPatterns.com provides for our exhibitors to follow."

Dale Barnett - Murray, Kentucky
    4 time APHA World and Youth World Show judge
    2006 Australian National Paint Horse Show

March, 2006

Clay A. Cavinder "It is important to me that I project professionalism at each horse show I judge. The patterns from horseshowpatterns.com give me the look I am after when presenting patterns to the exhibitors. They are easy for the exhibitor to read and give me many choices as to what I would want to ask from an exhibitor. Thanks."

Clay A. Cavinder
    Horse Judging Team Coach at Texas A M University
    AQHA, APHA, ApHC, PHBA, and NSBA Approved Judge
    2006 APHA World Show Judge
    Coach of 2002, 2005 AQHA World Champion Judging Team

December, 2005

"To create HorseShowPatterns.com was one of the best ideas in the horse show scene......We use your service to create patterns for our big shows like the Bavarian and European Paint Horse Championships but also for our all breed regional shows. The various patterns in different levels allow use in all categories. Also the preparation of the students is simplified – no hand drawing, no big collections of old show catalogs – only a few minutes on the PC with an easy working site and you have nice designed patterns with an customized headline. Thank you!!"

Monika Hagen in Bavaria, Germany

December, 2005

Susan Hargrove"Thank you for your wonderful site!! I use your patterns in a different manner than most people...I show "model" horses. We strive to have our entries as "realistic" as possible...and using your patterns in trail, showmanship, etc., give my entries that something "extra" to impress the judge. The different levels of patterns available make them easily useable with the gaits and positions of the models."

Susan Hargrove

November, 2005

"I used your patterns for our Western Paint World Show in Bakersfield, CA the end of October - everyone loved them! They printed very nicely and looked so professional with our club and show info on them. You sure made it easier for us to get our act together!"

Lynn Molina
    Molina Show Services

September, 2005

"I am not a judge nor a show manager, just an exhibitor. But to the competitors, the clarity of the patterns is so important. It is refreshing to receive a pattern that is concise, easy to read and legible! I can't tell you how difficult it is to decipher hand-drawn and messy patterns. I'm always happy when I get to a show and see that they're using one of the patterns from Horseshowpatterns.com. We need to get every Judge using this site!"

Deborah Curtis - North Salem, Indiana
    Horse Show Exhibitor

August, 2005

"Thanks for the new improvements and hard work. I have used your site often and have always been so thankful knowing that the patterns I need are only minutes away and can be picked and printed so fast. I have also recieved several compliments on how my patterns look when I arrive at the shows to judge."

Heidi Leef - Tomball, TX

August, 2005

Kelly Boles Chapman - AQHA / APHA / APHC / NSBA / PHBA / PtHA Approved Judge"This is a great tool that benefits all involved with horse shows – from management to exhibitors to judges. The patterns are easy to access, and are exceptionally well-developed in both visual and written instructions. I especially appreciate the creative and fair patterns to evaluate these classes that HorseShowPatterns.com provides."

Kelly Boles Chapman
    AQHA / APHA / APHC / NSBA / PHBA / PtHA Approved Judge

August, 2005

"I think your website is awesome! It makes us judges look very professional!"

Theresa Martinez - CO
    Show Manager

July, 2005

"I am so happy to be a member of this site. I manage 6 shows every summer and with all the patterns I have to come up with, HorseShowPatterns.com will be a big time saver for me. Thanks for a great service!!!"

Sue - NH
    Show Manager

June, 2005

Sandy Jirkovsky - APHA, APHC, NSBA"I have used the patterns on your site for both judging and show management. You have a great selection of patterns and a this is a great service for the horse show industry!"

"Keep up the great work!"

- and -

"We used your trail patterns at our Grand Island show and the pattern went quickly but was still a good test of the trail horses. The judges appreciated a fast pattern yet the exhibitors were also very happy with the pattern."

Sandy Jirkovsky - NE

June, 2005

Sandy Jirkovsky - APHA, APHC, NSBA "What a great idea you have come up with! I have used your site this year to create patterns for all the shows I have judged. It has saved me an enormous amount of time. I found a couple of your patterns that worked well for me and I can just click and transfer those patterns to my next show! The new upgrades are even better. I also use this site as a training tool for my clients. It helps me get my students ready for shows. We love the level III patterns and especially the trail courses. All I have to do is elevate poles to make it even more challenging. Great job and Thank You!"

Kathryn A. "Kit" Kope
    PtHA, IBHA, POAC judge
    APHA and NSBA approved

June, 2005

"I use your horse show patterns for a High School Equestrian Team. I just found this service and am thrilled with it!"

Ann Cowan - Michigan

May, 2005

"I started to work with your patterns some weeks ago and am really glad to have this help. I also appreciate the new trail courses. Thank you for this great service."

Dagmar Zenker - Germany

May, 2005

Patti Carter - AQHA, APHA, NRHA, NSBA, NRCHA, PHBA, USEF Judge"Something needed to be done and you responded!! Thank you so much for creating such a professional and convenient service. HorseShowPatterns.com takes judging to another level!!! Great job, I love the site!!!"

Patti Carter - Ontario, Canada
    AQHA and APHA Instructor

May, 2005

Bonnie Miller - APHA, APHC, AQHA, NRCHA, NRHA, NSBA, PHBA, PTHA Approved Judge"I love the site....and have used your patterns for several different shows I have judged!!! I love the fact that I can customize the patterns and e-mail them to show management ahead of time to be included in pattern books for exhibitors. I also used several patterns as practice for my students preparing to go to the IHSA National Show where the team placed 4th overall!"

Bonnie Miller
    2005 APHA World Show Judge

May, 2005

"What a great idea and service for Judges and Show Managers!!!"

Sally Griffin - Texas
    Professional Horse Show Manager

May, 2005


Phyllis Rasmussen - Wisconsin

April, 2005

Charlie Cole - APHA and AQHA Approved Judge"The patterns on Horse Show Patterns.com are well thought out and easy to read. I now have different patterns to use depending on the level of competition at the shows."

Charlie Cole
    APHA and AQHA Approved Judge
    2004 AQHA Congress Judge
    2002, 2003 and 2004 APHA World Show High Point Exhibitor
    Numerous World Champions

April, 2005
"This is way too cool!!!"

"I judge 25-30 horse shows a year.  This will be a HUGE time saver!!  THANK YOU!!"


April, 2005

Mike Sheppard - APHA Approved Judge"I wish you would have started this 25 years ago!!!"

Mike Sheppard
    APHA Approved Judge


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