Monday, March 31, 2025

You asked... we responded: Judge's Patterns!

Judge's PatternsOur members continue to complement us on how professional our patterns appear at horse shows and how great they are for exhibitors. However, our valued members who are also judges wanted a way to print more than one pattern per page so they don’t have to shuffle through so much paperwork when judging. Well…..we listened and proudly announce our newest feature: Judge's Patterns!!!

Creating Judge's Patterns is easy:

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Create a new pattern as usual or access your folder of patterns you have previously created.

  3. Choose a show you want to print patterns for and click “Judge’s Patterns.”

(Note: Judge’s Patterns are ONLY available to Premium PLUS members – For more information on becoming a Premium PLUS member, visit the homepage and click on “membership” then “products”.)

  1. If you have numerous patterns in an individual show, the judge’s patterns may take several moments to be created. Once created, you will be able to print all of the judge’s patterns at one time.

» Click here for an example «

We hope you enjoy the added flexibility of this new feature and thank you for your continued input. We are "the Standard in Horse Show Patterns" because of your feedback and support. We will continue to add new features and updates to make creating horse show patterns more convenient for our valued members.


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