Monday, March 31, 2025

We are SO excited about this NEW feature!!!

*presentation is 1.41MB

Quickly and easily email your horse show patterns in just a few clicks. It's SOOOO easy..follow the steps below to give it a try!! See how easy it will be for recipients to receive your patterns.

  1. Log into your account as always.
  2. Create a "TEST" pattern by completing the horse show information with the below:
    • Horse Show Name: (30 characters max)
    • Event Date:
    • Provided By:
  3. Select a class (any one), fill in the age/ level information (any information will work here), and provide your name as always.
  4. Click "add to folder"
  5. Now click on "view" in the folder box in the upper right hand corner.
  6. Scroll down until you find the show entitled "TEST"
  7. Under the show title, click "send patterns"
  8. Now email the pattern to yourself by filling in your e mail information in the recipient field.
  9. Complete the e mail subject and message box if you wish (optional).
  10. Click "Confirm"
  11. Confirm the information, then click "Send"
  12. Click "close window"
  13. Now, check your email account. You might have to close your email program (if already open), then re-open to receive new messages.

Follow the easy instructions in the email message to see how simple it will be for others to receive your emailed professional and customized horse show patterns from the STANDARD for horse show patterns..


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